L’edizione digitale del quotidiano statunitense ha superato il milione di abbonati: ne dà notizia il direttore Dean Baquet in un articolo pubblicato il 5 ottobre. Senza tagli al personale, anzi. “Many news organizations, facing competition from digital outlets, have sharply reduced the size of their newsrooms and their investment in news gathering. But The New York Times has not”, scrive orgogliosamente Baquet.

Henry Jarvis Raymond
Il segreto del successo? La professionalità del team di giornalisti: ” They are not deskbound aggregators, either. Their job is to find new information that they are using to help our readers make sense of the world. To do this kind of journalism requires expertise.That’s why The Times employs doctors to cover medicine and health, economists to write about the economy and trained cartographers to make maps. Many of our reporters have spent years on their beats, honing their expertise and judgment”…
Che dire di questo giornale pubblicato per la prima volta il 18 settembre 1851 da Henry Jarvis Raymond e George Jones? “We publish today the first issue of the New-York Daily Times, and we intend to issue it every morning (Sundays excepted) for an indefinite number of years to come” annunciarono…
Auguri e .. chapeau!